Saturday 7 July 2012


       The ancient art of Reiki as an alternative healing modality has brought this "universal life energy" practice into recognition as an energy medicine modality.  A premise of Reiki energy is that it can be “beamed” at a distance to a client.  Can Reiki energy beamed in a distant healing be quantitatively felt by a clairvoyant, clairsentient intuitive?  Does the placement of 12,000 gauss body magnets on the hand chakras, coupled with Reiki enhance the amplitude of the beaming, and therefore of the energy reception by an intuitive? Reiki practitioners and clients claim numerous beneficial results with the application of this universal life energy.  However, to date little research has been done and only a handful of studies have focused on measuring Reiki energy.
Dressen and Singg (1998) studied the “Effects of Reiki on Pain and Selected Affective and Personality Variables of Chronically Ill Patients,” with the application of Dr. Norman Shealy’s instrument, Life Information Systems Ten (LISTEN). 
The LISTEN  device was able to measure positive energy conductance through skin points, demonstrating measurable energy changes with statistical significance at eight of  these points before, during, and after Reiki treatments.  “The Effects of Reiki Treatment on Telepathy and Personality Traits,” investigated the effects of Reiki on telepathic  communication; the results showed that Reiki influenced telepathy trial scores. 
(Neklason, 1987)  The majority of research with magnets studies the therapeutic effect of wearing a magnet .  Most of this research is done to discover how magnets can relieve specific conditions such as; chronic pain; arthritis; fibromyalgia; depression ; fatigue; carpal tunnel syndrome and sports injuries.   Three research studies done by team of researchers directed by Elmer Green, Ph.D., included one hypothesis regarding the effect of magnets on developing heightened reception of self-aware states. 
One study, “ Copper Wall Research; Psychology and Psychophysics,” (Green, 1999) was inspired from a passage that Dr. Green read in, The Mahatma Letters.  These letters written during 1880-1884 were correspondence between A.P. Sinnett and two East Indian teachers  of H.P. Blavatsky:  The methods used for developing lucidity in our chelas may be easily used by you.  Every temple has a dark room, the north wall of which is entirely  covered with a sheet of mixed metal, chiefly copper, very highly polished, with the surface capable of reflecting in it things, as well as a mirror.  The chela sits on a insulated stool, a three-legged bench placed in a flat bottomed vessel of thick glass,  -- the lama operator likewise, the two forming the mirror wall a triangle. A magnet with the North Pole up is suspended over the crown of the chela’s head without touching it.  The operator having started the thing going leaves the chela alone gazing on the wall, and after the third time is no longer required.  (Sinnett, 1948, p.455) This passage also inspired Dr. Green to conduct two more research projects.

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